Lately before training I've taken to spending 10-15 minutes watching YouTube videos of Sensei’s kata. Maybe a little obsessive of me I know, but in my defense my mini movie nights started mainly as a way of switching my brain from work/study mode into the 'zone' for training.I remember coming across some interesting research a while back about the brain and motor learning. In short, the researchers found that by simply watching someone perform an action with the intention of mimicking them, we can activate neural pathways in the brain actually responsible for performing the behavior. Who would have thought you could actually improve your kata – or any technique for that matter – just by sitting at your desk?
I know there's no substitute for actual practice but it's good to know that on nights where you really can't make it, you may be able to trick that brain of yours into training without training. I think my kata at least, has changed slightly since I’ve been doing this – a small shift in timing and focus if nothing else.
To save myself the hassle of searching for the video clips each night I decided to put them all together. So, for those interested in joining me in my martial movie nights, here they are:
Gekisai Dai Ichi (撃砕第一)
Gekisai Dai Ni (撃砕第二)
Saifa (砕破)
Seiyunchin (制引戦)
Shisochin (四向戦)
Sanseru (三十六手)
Sepai (十八手)
Kururunfa (久留頓破)
Sesan (十三手)
Suparimpei (壱百零八)
Sanchin (三戦)
Tensho (転掌)