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A few years ago, a friend asked me what I’d do if I had a million dollars. I didn’t have to think before answering – "I’d move to Okinawa, Japan to train under Grand Master, Morio Higaonna-Sensei". It was only later, that it dawned on me I didn't actually need a million dollars to pursue this dream...
So now here I am, living in a little apartment above a busy Japanese restaurant barely 2 minutes walk from Sensei's Honbu dojo. I've been training with him daily now for 6 months and decided it was finally time to start recording some of my experiences and "ah-haa!" moments.
This may not be the best way to ask this but, I am a student of a different lineage of okinawan karate (Chito-Ryu) and I have a lot of respect for Higaonna Sensei and the way he trains and devote his life to traditional karate.
How did you manage to get to his dojo in Naha, was it through your Sensei ?
And do you know if someone from a different style of karate could come and visit his Dojo ?
p.s. English is not my native language, so please excuse me if my message may sound rude or innapropriate.