What is this mysterious ‘tanden’ we so frequently hear about in martial arts?丹 – tan, ‘rust coloured’ or ‘red’ and 田 – den ‘rice paddy’ or ‘field’. Together tanden (丹田) literally translates as ‘red field’ or ‘burning place of fire/energy’. Sometimes Sensei refers to kikai (気海) tanden where the characters of ki 気 ‘spirit’ and kai or umi 海 ‘ocean’ describe the tanden as the body’s ‘sea of energy’.
To say that the tanden is important in martial arts would be a pretty big understatement. In Eastern traditions, the tanden (or dantian in Chinese) has for a long time been considered the physical centre of gravity in the human body and the source of all internal power, energy or chi. The point is believed to be about the size of a grapefruit and is located three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the belly button.

In many traditional Japanese arts – shakuhachi (Japanese flute), shodo (calligraphy), kyudo (archery), kendo (swordsmanship) and even chado (tea ceremony) – students are taught to act from the tanden. This area also serves as a focus point in Taoist and Buddhist philosophy and Zen meditation and is believed to help center one’s mind and aid in controlling thoughts and emotions.
In martial arts, internal power is believed to originate from the tanden and is often expressed in a kiai, which must be synchronized with physical techniques and kimei (a moment of full body tension) to deliver maximum power. Sensei frequently refers to the importance of the tanden in this way:
“External power ashi kara (comes from the feet); internal power tanden kara (comes from the tanden). Kimei and kiai must together!”Whether you’re a believer of chi and internal energy or not, most martial arts practitioners acknowledge the importance of tanden as the body’s centre of gravity and the role it plays in initiating movement. Martial arts historian and practitioner, Charles Goodin recently described his experience with generating power from the tanden or koshi (hips) and it’s role in preventing the telegraphing of movement:
“When power comes from the koshi (the core of the body), it is much harder to anticipate a movement... When you pull back your right arm, the odds are that you are going to throw a right punch (or some other right handed technique). When you "squeeze" or "twist" your koshi, a movement could come from anywhere” (Goodin, 2009).Whether it’s using dropping or winding power, or pulsing from the feet, it's worth concentrating on pivoting and moving from the tanden. I think overall this focus may help to generate power while giving stillness, silencing the body, and improving overall efficiency of movement.
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